MetaMask cryptocurrency wallet:Installing MetaMask

  1. Visit and click "Download" to install the MetaMask extension in your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, etc.)
  2. Follow the prompts to add MetaMask to your browser and create a new wallet

Setting up Your Wallet

  1. Choose a strong password to secure your MetaMask wallet
  2. Write down the 12-word recovery phrase that is generated and store it securely offline. This allows you to restore your wallet if needed
  3. Confirm your recovery phrase to complete the setup process

Using MetaMask

  1. Click the MetaMask icon in your browser to access your wallet
  2. View your account balance, send and receive cryptocurrencies like Ether (ETH), and manage your digital assets
  3. MetaMask integrates seamlessly with decentralized applications (dApps). You can connect to dApps to participate in DeFi, play games, and more
  4. Enable features like advanced transaction settings, custom RPC networks, and hardware wallet support in the Settings menu
  5. MetaMask puts you in control of your crypto by storing your private keys locally. It does not have access to your funds or personal information

By installing MetaMask, you gain a secure gateway to the world of Ethereum and decentralized applications. It empowers you to manage your digital assets and interact with the decentralized web with ease.